

#WCRD2023   Every 24th of September we celebrate the World Cancer Research Day #WCRD. This year, we have participated in some activities trying to visualize our labor in this topic, sponsored by the Spanish association against cancer (AECC). Check it out some of these activities. https://www.contraelcancer.es/es/eventos/accion-calle-plaza-chamberi-madrid-celebrar-dia-mundial-investigacion-cancer-0 https://www.atresplayer.com/lasexta/programas/que-me-pasa-doctor-lasexta/temporada-1/programa-297-cancer-psoriasis_6508796b7152b0e49dd02eb6/

Role of hypoxia

Editorial: Role of hypoxia- inducible factors in metabolic immune cell adaptation during sepsis

Editorial: Role of hypoxia- inducible factors in metabolic immune cell adaptation during sepsis In collaboration with Prof. Leon Nicolas Schulte from the German Center for Lung Research in Giessen, Germany and my dear colleague Prof. Eduardo López-Collazo from the TumourImmunology Laboratory at IdiPAZ in Madrid, we have edited a research topic focused on the role…


Training against COVID-19

However, after an intensive research work, our research group has discovered that we can induce trained immunity against COVID-19. The work has been published in the Frontiers in Immunology journal, and it is a collaboration between the Hospital la Paz Institute for health research (IdiPAZ), the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) and the National…